getSession(); $cart = new cart($db,$db2,$session); $customer = new customer(0,$db); $loginAttempts = new loginAttempts($db, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $login = new authentication(PRIVATE_KEY, LOGIN_TIME_REF, COOKIE_USER_CUST, COOKIE_HASH_CUST, COOKIE_LOCKOUT_CUST, COOKIE_COUNT_CUST, $customer, $loginAttempts); $cartQty = $cart->cartItemsQty(); $customerLoggedIn = ($login->isUserloggedin())? true:false; if($customerLoggedIn) {$login->userSetTokens($login->id()); $customerId = $login->id();} $customerIdCookie = COOKIE_USER_CUST; $recentCustomerId = $_COOKIE[$customerIdCookie]; } if($_SERVER['HTTPS']) $https = 'https'; else $https = 'http'; $taCache = new cacheLite(array('cacheDir' => DIR_SITE_CACHE,'lifeTime'=>3600)); $bInfo = new info(); if($customerLoggedIn) { $loginId = $login->id(); $customer->setId($loginId); if($loginId) { $customer = new customer($loginId, $db); if($customer->distributor()) $distributor = true; } if($distributor) $GLOBALS['customerBar2'] .= 'Distributor Shopping  '; $GLOBALS['customerBar2'] .= 'Hello, '.$login->realName().'   View Cart | Past Orders'; if(!$distributor) $GLOBALS['customerBar2'] .= '| Edit Account  '; } elseif($recentCustomerId) { $customer->setId($recentCustomerId); $GLOBALS['customerBar'] = 'Login  '; $recentCustomerEmail = $customer->email; } else $GLOBALS['customerBar'] .= 'Login  '; if($_POST['qty']) $cartQty += $_POST['qty']; $GLOBALS['customerBar'] .= 'Cart ('.(!$cartQty? '0':$cartQty).($cartQty == 1? ' Item':' Items').')'; if($customerLoggedIn) { $GLOBALS['customerBar'] .= '  Logout'; $GLOBALS['customerLoggedIn'] = true; } ?> The Banksters' Banquet
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The GAME that has friends talking about how the world REALLY works!

Game Box Cover


2-8 PLAYERS / AGES 12+ / 60 MIN.
© 2011, All Rights Reserved

Welcome to The Banksters' Banquet

Embark on a new journey of self-discovery each time you play. Guaranteed to astound and amaze the most veteran financial wizards, corporate tycoons, media masters & hardcore gamers.

A visual feast of classic cartoon artwork creates a universe with a dark side that attempts to steal your soul in exchange
for wealth and power.
Fortune Teller Illustration
Jail cell phone call illustration Take a time-machine ride and discover hidden secrets about modern society.

Roll-play with friends and family as
clever and crafty Billionaire Banksters
competing in a ruthless rivalry to
rule the world as the Bankster Boss!
Convict the guilty & corrupt! Exercise your judgement in the Court of Public Opinion. Then search for the secrets to the survival of mankind.

Summon all of your samurai spirit
to do battle with the indestructible
forces of evil ready to rock the reality
of our galaxy.
Angry judge with gavel illustration
Gambling illustration
Loving couple hiding their money from each other illustration
Years of testing and refinement have
led to an enlightening game experience.

Assemble those you love and care about around this new Ouija board of awakening, and witness the look on their faces as they realize what they may have always suspected to be true.

With the turn of every card, honest reactions will reveal the truth and
surprise in players' eyes.
Higher thought levels of evaluation, analysis and synthesis are enlisted to generate a "cognitive kick" as players
gain new perspective.

Confusing coincidences are revealed
as clever strategies hidden from the
public on the home planet.

Words of wisdom and warning from
famous leaders will guide you.
Do not fear - enter here!

God illustration
500 Billion $$$ Bill